Sascha Fendrich

Mathematician and Computer Scientist (Dr. rer. nat.)

I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT).

My main research interest is the semantics of data and data processing. This includes the following topics: logic and mathematical foundations of computer science, programming languages and paradigms, algorithms and data structures, concurrency, software analysis, software verification, formal methods, machine learning, optimization, industrial data processing, data mining, big data and computational linguistics.

Previously, I was a researcher in the DFG-funded project Foundations of Heterogeneous Specifications Using State Machines and Temporal Logic (project website), where I successfully defended my PhD-Thesis Modal Interface Theories for Specifying Component-based Systems.


Office address:
HeiGIT gGmbH
Berliner Str. 45
69120 Heidelberg

Post address:
HeiGIT gGmbH
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
69118 Heidelberg



Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

Other Publications


See my repositories at GitHub:

Short CV

Current Employment

since 2017: Researcher, Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology.

Former Employment

2013-2017: Researcher, Software Technologies Research Group, University of Bamberg.

2008-2013: Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University.

2007-2008: Research Assistant and Lecturer, Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University.

2002-2010: System Analyst in the area of industrial data processing, Softwaresysteme Karl Hickl, Fürth im Odenwald.

1997-2002: Research and Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, Technische Universität Darmstadt.


2013-2017: PhD student at Software Technologies Research Group, University of Bamberg.

June/July 2016: BETTY Summer School 2016 on Behavioural Types.

August 2015: Marktoberdorf Summer School 2015 on Verification and Synthesis of Correct and Secure Systems.

January 2004: Diploma (MSc equiv.) in Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematics Department, Technische Universität Darmstadt.


Supervised Theses


WS2020/21SNachhaltige Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Software
WS2019/20WWhat is professional software development?
WS2015/16WMädchen und Technik
WS2012/13 V+ÜMathematischer Vorkurs
SS2012 VEinführung in die lineare Algebra für CL
WS2011/12ÜStatistical Methods for CL
SS2011 VEinführung in die lineare Algebra und Optimierung für CL
WS2010/11 ÜStatistical Methods for CL
ÜStatistical Machine Translation
SS2010VEinführung in die Optimierung für CL
V+ÜMathematischer Vorkurs
WS2009/10 HSMaschinelles Lernen
PSEinführung in das wissenschaftliche Schreiben für CL
SS2009 PSEinführung in R
V+ÜMathematischer Vorkurs
PSWord Alignments
WS2008/09 PSArbeitstechniken in der CL
V+ÜMathematische Grundlagen in der CL
SS2008 V+ÜMathematischer Vorkurs

WS=Wintersemester; SS=Sommersemester; V=Vorlesung; Ü=Übung; HS=Hauptseminar; PS=Proseminar; W=Workshop; CL=Computerlinguistik.

As a student I tutored lots of practicals, e.g., Linear Algebra, Calculus, Logic for Computer Scientists, Universal Algebra for Computer Scientists, Descriptive Geometry for Architects, Preparatory course in Mathematics for Economics


Last updated: July 2024